Airthereal’s Electric Composter is Climate Pledge Friendly

food waste electric compost

After 2020, Airthereal’s team made a conscious decision to focus on more eco-friendly and sustainable products to help customers reduce their carbon footprint, lower wastefulness, and protect their health. 

We were proud to launch our Electric Kitchen Composter this year, in gray and white color options. Compact enough to fit on a kitchen counter, the composter is the ideal answer to the mountains of food waste people are contributing to landfills each year.

Customers have been delighted by how well the machine works to create compost from their food scraps. Compost is great for your gardens or house plants, or you can also donate to a local community or giving garden!

“First of all the look, size and color go great with my kitchen. Follow all the instructions and let this small wonder create amazing fertilizer for your home garden. My leftovers felt heavy when dumped into the green garbage bin. After composting, they are a dry, super-light fertilizer,” Victoria Parrado-Cullen said in her 5-star review on Amazon.

Speaking of Amazon, our electric composter was recently given carbon-free product certification: Climate Pledge Friendly. “Climate Pledge Friendly recognizes products with improvements in at least one aspect of sustainability. We will be adding more certifications and working with manufacturers to certify more products over time,” according to Amazon’s site. 

We look forward to continuing to add more climate-friendly options to our line of products. What started as a mission to improve the air quality in our homes is now expanding to improving the quality of all of our homes on Earth. 

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