Combating Humidity with My New Portable Dehumidifier at Home

 portable dehumidifier for bathroom product review

One of the biggest battles a homeowner faces is mold and mildew build-up in humid spaces in the home. Having a dehumidifier is one of the most important tools in this battle. 

Airthereal’s Renewable Portable Mini Dehumidifier with a Heating Base is a great little machine (comes in two colors) that helps me with my mold issue in my bathrooms. I have the green version, which is one of my favorite colors and goes with my bathroom decor. 

Using Dehumidifier in Bathroom

In Nevada, humidity is not a common issue, in fact, we have the opposite issue. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a use for something like this little dehumidifier. I primarily use it while the shower is on. We have 3 bathrooms, 2 showers and when multiple people are bathing or showering, the humidity level in the house goes all the way up. This can have a weird and gross effect on the walls of the bathrooms and bedrooms.

portable mini green dehumidifier

I was so grateful when I got my portable dehumidifier, I started running it while the shower was on for both myself and when my partner was in there at a different time of the day. I could tell the difference instantly when I turned off the water. 

Now this dehumidifier is on the smaller size so I wasn’t expecting much of a change but there was a noticeable absence of humidity in the air, that’s usually present during and after a hot, long shower. I look forward to continuing to use it at home when necessary and definitely when I go on a road trip, as it’s a compact size that can fit in a travel bag.

For Other Small Spaces

I recently discovered the portable machine works well in my pantry to make sure humidity doesn’t affect my bread and other perishable items. On the rare occasions when it rains, moisture levels in the house rise, which isn’t ideal. You can also use the portable dehumidifier in your closet, your car or any other small area that needs dehumidifying. It also prevents mold and rust on photography equipment, musical instruments and other storage areas.

shoe closet dehumidify no mold or mildew

Best Features

Speaking of its size, the Portable Dehumidifier is named that way because it's pretty small and can come apart and put back together pretty quickly.


  • Small, compact, easy to carry
  • Ease of use, just attach the long cylinder piece to the heating base and plug in
  • Simple color chart indicating when silica gels are wet


  • Needs more extensive instructions on how to use
  • Slight burning smell when it’s on (indicates heat)

All in all, this machine does the job it says it’s supposed to do, which is exactly what I wanted. It’s marketed for small spaces up to 55 sq. feet and my bathroom is around that size, not including the water closet. It worked really well in removing the moisture from the air. This is going to be a big deal in my fight against mildew and mold build-up. 

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***Note: This product was reviewed and written by Airthereal team member.

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