Viana Firefighters Receive Airthereal Ozone Generators to Decontaminate Vehicles and Equipment

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The Sapadores Firefighters of Viana do Castelo, Portugal received ozone generators to decontaminate emergency vehicles and support actions to decontaminate social equipment, it was announced today.

In a statement, the Viana municipality considers the equipment to be fundamental in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, since, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), “ozone is the most effective decontaminant for all types of microorganisms."

viana firefighters ozone generators

“The four equipment purchased, model Airthereal MA5000, will be used for the decontamination of emergency vehicles, with particular emphasis on ambulances and interior spaces in the fire stations and Red Cross, also serving to support the decontamination of Social Equipment, namely homes," says the same note.

Thus, one piece of equipment will be kept at the Sapadores Fire Company of Viana do Castelo, another will be delivered to the Humanitarian Association of Voluntary Firemen of Viana do Castelo, with two others distributed by the Centro Hospital do Alto Minho - Red Cross, in Viana do Castelo and São Romão from Neiva.

“With this equipment, the damage caused to microorganisms makes them unable to develop immunity to ozone, as they do with other compounds. Ozone, as it is a gas that has the capacity to penetrate and occupy all the space of difficult access, represents a great advantage over other types of decontaminants," explains the municipality.

“The ozone generator captures oxygen and transfers it to the Cold Plasma plate, which converts oxygen into ozone, decontaminating microorganisms and eliminating odors,” says the same statement.

In the European Union, the Regulation for Biocidal Products considers ozone as a biocide for different uses, within the group of decontaminants. It is classified and indicated for disinfection, among others of surfaces, materials, equipment, air conditioning systems, walls, floors of public and private places, as well as air disinfection.

ambulance ozone generator

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1 comment

  • I have worked with my ozone machine and Airthereal has cleared the air!

    Joshhua Ray

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